For the past four decades Europeans have debated whether
the Golliwog is a lovable icon or a racist symbol. In the
1960s relations between Blacks and Whites in England were
often characterised by conflict. This racial antagonism
resulted from many factors, including: the arrival of
increasing numbers of coloured immigrants; minorities'
unwillingness to accommodate themselves to old patterns of
racial and ethnic subordination; and, the fear among many
Whites that England was losing its national character.
British culture was also influenced by images - often
brutal - of racial conflict occurring in the United
In this climate the Golliwog doll and other
Golliwog emblems were seen as symbols of racial
insensitivity. Many books containing Golliwogs
were withdrawn from public libraries, and the
manufacturing of Golliwog dolls dwindled as the
demand for Golliwogs decreased. Many items with
Golliwog images were destroyed. Despite much
criticism, James Robertson & Sons did not
discontinue its use of the Golliwog as a mascot.
The Camden Committee for Community Relations led a
petition drive for signatures to send to the
Robertson Company. The National Committee on
Racism in Children's Books also publicly
criticised Robertson's use of the Golly in its
advertising. Other organisations called for a
boycott of Robertson's products; nevertheless, the
company has continued to use the Golliwog as its
trademark in many countries, including the United
Kingdom, although it was removed from Robertson's
packaging in the United States, Canada, and Hong

"Gladstone the White Golliwog" is
an anti-racist story for young children about a
white Golliwog who is rejected by his friends,
who are all 'proper' Golliwogs - available to
buy in the shop.
In many ways the campaign to ban Golliwogs was similar to
the American campaign against Little Black Sambo.
In both cases racial minorities and sympathetic Whites
argued that these images demeaned Blacks and hurt the
psyches of minority children. Civil rights organisations
led both campaigns, and White civic and political leaders
eventually joined the effort to ban the offensive
caricatures. In the anti-Golliwog campaign, numerous
British parliamentarians publicly lambasted the Golliwog
image as racist, including, Tony Benn, Shirley Williams,
and David Owen.
The claim that Golliwogs are racist is supported by
literary depictions by writers such as Enid Blyton. Unlike
Florence Upton's, Blyton's Golliwogs were often rude,
mischievous, elfin villains. In Blyton's book, "Here Comes
Noddy Again", a Golliwog asks the hero for help, then
steals his car. Blyton, one of the most prolific European
writers, included the Golliwogs in many stories, but she
only wrote three books primarily about Golliwogs: The
Three Golliwogs (1944), The Proud Golliwog (1951), and The
Golliwog Grumbled (1953). Her depictions of Golliwogs are,
by contemporary standards, racially insensitive. An
excerpt from The Three Golliwogs is illustrative:
Once the three bold Golliwogs, Golly, Woggie, and
Nigger, decided to go for a walk to Bumble-Bee Common.
Golly wasn't quite ready so Woggie and Nigger said they
would start off without him, and Golly would catch them
up as soon as he could. So off went Woggie and Nigger,
arm-in-arm, singing merrily their favourite song -
which, as you may guess, was Ten Little Nigger Boys.

Ten Little Niggers is the name of a children's
poem, sometimes set to music, which celebrates the
deaths of ten Black children, one-by-one. The
Three Golliwogs was reprinted as recently as 1968,
and it still contained the above passage. Ten
Little Niggers was also the name of a 1939 Agatha
Christie novel, whose cover showed a Golliwog
lynched, hanging from a noose.
The Golliwog's reputation and popularity were also hurt
by the association with the word wog. Apparently derived
from the word Golliwog, wog is an English slur against
dark-skinned people, especially Middle or Far East
foreigners. During World War II the word wog was used by
the British Army in North Africa, mainly as a slur against
dark-skinned Arabs. In the 1960s the Argyll and Sutherland
Highlanders, one of the most noted regiments in the
British Army, wore a Robertson's golly brooch for each
Arab they had killed. After the war, wog became a more
general slur against brown-skinned people. As a racial
epithet, it is comparable to nigger or spic, though its
usage extends beyond any single ethnic group. Dark-skinned
people in England, Germany, and Australia are derisively
called wogs. In the year 2000, a British police officer
was fired for referring to an Asian colleague as a wog.
The association of wog with racial minorities is also seen
with the word wog-box, which is slang for a large portable
music box, the European counterpart of the ghetto blaster.
The wog-box is also called a "Third World briefcase."
Some Golliwog supporters tried to distance themselves
from the wog slur by dropping it from the word Golliwog.
James Robertson & Sons, for example, has always
referred to its Golliwog as "Golly." In the late 1980s,
when the anti-Golliwog campaign reached its height, many
small manufacturers of the Golliwogs began using the names
Golly or Golli, instead of Golliwog. Not surprisingly, the
words Golliwog, Golly, and Golli are now all used as
racially descriptive terms, although they are not as
demeaning as wog.
In the early 1980s, revised editions of Enid Blyton's
Noddy books replaced Mr. Golly, the gollywog proprietor of
the Toytown garage, with Mr. Sparks, to the outrage of
many parents of a generation who thought that was a
retrograde iconoclasm biased against both gollies and
black garage-owners.
Golliwog is a racial slur in Germany, England, Ireland,
Greece, and Australia. Interestingly, it is sometimes
applied to dark-skinned Whites, as well as brown-skinned
persons. Golliwog is also a common name for black pets,
especially dogs, in European countries - much as nigger
was once popular as a pet name. Golliwog was also the
original name of the rock band Credence Clearwater
Revival. They sometimes performed the song "Brown-Eyed
Girl" (not the Van Morrison tune), dressed in white afros.
This is not to suggest that they were racists, only to
show that Golliwogs were a part - albeit, a small one - in
American culture.
The Golliwog celebrated its 100 year anniversary in 1995.
Golliwog collectibles, which always had a loyal following,
again boomed on the secondary market. This popularity
continues today and is evidenced by numerous eBay and
Yahoo internet auctions and the presence of several
international Golliwog organisations. A pro-Golliwog
viewpoint can be found at the International Golliwog
Collectors Club's website: Many collectors,
primarily though not exclusively Whites, contend that the
anti-Golliwog movement represents political correctness at
its worst. They argue that the Golliwog is just a doll,
and that the original Florence Upton creation was not
racist, intentionally or unintentionally - this is
reminiscent of the claims about Helen Bannerman's Little
Black Sambo.
Critics of the Golliwog have launched a new attack. They
are trying to get the image removed from all newly
published children's books, and they are trying to force
businesses to not use the Golliwog as a trademark. The
Black Trinidadian writer, Darcus Howe, said, "English
[White] people never give up. Golliwogs have gone and
should stay gone. They appeal to White English sentiment
and will do so until the end of time." Gerry German, of
the Working Group Against Racism in Children's Resources,
was quoted in The Voice, a Black newspaper, as saying: "I
find it appalling that any organisation in this day and
age can produce anything which would commemorate the
Golliwog. It is an offensive caricature of Black people."
However, a new academic appraisal of the work of Enid
Blyton claims that Golliwogs may have been innocent
victims of well-intentioned political correctness when
they were banished from revised editions of the Noddy
books more than 20 years ago.
In his study "Enid Blyton and the Mystery of Children's
Literature", which is based on a close reading of the
texts, Dr Rudd, a senior lecturer at Bolton Institute in
Greater Manchester, argues that a golliwog appears as a
total villain only in the notorious "Here Comes Noddy
Again". In the story a Golly asks the hero with a bell on
his hat to give him a lift into the dark dark wood - and
then steals his car. Elsewhere, goblins and monkeys emerge
more consistently as villains than Golliwogs and bears are
regularly portrayed as more naughty.
Dr Rudd traces the pre-Blyton semantic and fictional
history of the Golliwog and concludes: "The Golliwog, it
seems, was not in origin a racist icon, whereas the
offensive term 'wog' had a separate derivation. However,
there is no doubt that the golly came to prominence in an
age that was racist and that he was all too easily
implicated in racist discourses, both in name and image."