"Children's Corner" is a suite for solo piano by
Claude Debussy, completed in 1908. It is dedicated
to Debussy's daughter Emma-Claude - known as
"Chou-Chou" - who was three years old at the time.
The pieces are not intended to be played by
children - rather they are meant to be evocative
of childhood. In fact, they are quite difficult.
There are six pieces in the suite, each with an
English-language title. This choice of language
reflects Debussy's anglophilia, and may also be a
nod towards Chou-Chou's English governess. The
pieces are:

Cover of the "Children's Corner"
suite featuring Claude Debussy's own drawing of
Upton’s Golliwogg |
- Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum
- Jimbo's Lullaby [This may well be a mis-translation
from the English: Jumbo's Lullaby]
- Serenade for the Doll
- The Snow is Dancing
- The Little Shepherd
- Golliwogg's Cake-Walk*
The title of the first alludes to Muzio Clementi's
collection of instructional piano pieces, Gradus ad
Parnassum. The most familiar piece is the last,
Golliwogg's Cake-Walk. The middle section of this
cake-walk (is jokingly interrupted on several occasions by
quotations of the opening of Richard Wagner's opera
Tristan und Isolde, marked "avec une grande émotion" (with
great feeling). Each quotation is followed by a sort of
musical chuckle in staccato chords:
Children's Corner was published by Durand in 1908, and
was given its world premiere in Paris by Harold Bauer on
December 18 of that year. In 1911 an orchestration of the
work by André Caplet received its premiere (on March 25)
and subsequently published. A typical performance of the
suite will last around 15 minutes.
* A Cake-walk is a traditional African American form
of music and dance which originated among slaves in the
US South. A cake, or slices of cake, were offered as
prizes for the best dancers - a rare treat during
slavery - giving the dance its name. The syncopated
music of the cake-walk became a nationally popular force
in mainstream music of the USA late in the century, and
with growing complexity and sophistication evolved into
ragtime music in the mid 1890s. The term "cake-walk" is
often used to indicate something that is very easy or
effortless. Though the dance itself could be physically
demanding, it was generally considered a fun,
recreational pastime.